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Officers and Members - 2021
President: Stacey Edwards-Palmer
Vice President: Mary Keenan
Treasurer: Claire Hamilton
Recording Secretary: Nancy Kelly
Directors: Barbara Fitzgerald Courtney Dauler ,
Doyle Ivie
Bailey, Carol Anne
Caple, Amy
Dauler, Courtney
Dillian, Dorothy
Edwards, Stacy
Fitzgerald, Barbara
Hamilton, Claire
Ivie, Doyle
Jennings, Angie
Jennings, Dean
Johnson, Jane
Keenan, Mary
Kelly, Nancy
Kopp, Jenny
Lewis, Ren
Lewis, Morgan
McKee, Linda
Miller, Adam and Alyssa
Ozmore, B. Maurneen
Parker, Gary and Glenda
Selph, Gary
Sell, Elsa
Scott, Melissa
Sower, Saskia
Starrett, Emily
Vest, Rachel
Wofford, Terry
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